
About me!

My name is Glasswatt, but you can call me Glass. I am 17 years of age.

I consider myself a content creator who tries to create something within every medium. I quite enjoy doing that. So far i have done Photography, Videos both Long and short form. However i have yet to try a lot more.In my spare time i love playing video games or sitting down and watching a movie or a show. Beside that i also have an addiction to the movie site Letterboxd so hey you learn something every day
Beyond all that i also love writing, though i have yet to actually make something public.

My content

As you may know i make content on the internet. so i thought i would make a handy little page to find sources related to it!

I make content on a lot of different platforms. though going forward in 2024 i will be shifting my focus to youtube. though dont worry, i might pop in for the occasional stream.Nevertheless, i have this site right here so when the time comes you know where to go to find the list to my sources, beside the link in the bio of the video this will be one massive page with links to a source list for every single video.Below that again are ways to support me.

^i plan to make more content using different sources. so this will be in use in the future

Ways to support me and my content!

Or you can simply subscribe!

Here is a collection of projects im doing!!!